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website introduction:The official National Hockey League web site includes features, news, rosters, statistics, schedules, teams, live game radio broadcasts, and video clips.
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website introduction:Informácie o programovaní a počítačoch pričom sa zameriava na prezentáciu nových funkcií, testov, chýb v softwari a politiku spoločností.
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website introduction:Komunitný portál pre študentov a teenagerov. Webky, blogy s vlastným dizajnom, vlastná televízia, fotoalbumy, priatelia...
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website introduction:Oficiálne stránky politickej strany.
website introduction:United Kingdom broadcast CompaniesBBC官方 website
website introduction:Universal banking institution with retail and corporate products. English site includes personal, SME and corporate products, investor information and access to internet banking. Established after merger of Unibanka and HVB Bank and is part of Unicredit Group.
website introduction:AccuWeather气象预报Companies的官?website 。AccuWeather气象预报Companies是在1962年由知名气象学教授麦尔斯(Joel Myers)所创�过去,United States几乎只有Countries在发布气象预报,AccuWeather出现之后,气象预报才有了品牌的概念�该Companies成为Employment界先驱,为知名媒体�EnergyCompanies、滑雪场等顾客,量身订做他们�要的气象预报数据。身为气象学教授,麦尔斯�在意的是预报内容的正确度,Companies雇佣?one 百多位气象学家,并且砸下大笔资金在高科技设备上,希望与Government发布的气象预?one 较高下�?/p>
website introduction:Hudobné live vysielanie, program, extra, videoklipy, kontakt.
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website introduction:DoubleClick是United States one 家网络Advertising services商,主要从事网络广告ManagementSoftware�发与Advertising services,对网络广告Activity进行集中策划、执行�监控和追踪?/p>
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website introduction:United Kingdom 卫报官网。�卫报�(The Guardian)是United Kingdom 的全国�综合内容日报�与《泰晤士报���每日电讯报》被合称为United Kingdom 三大报�?/p>
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