website introduction:谷歌Poland website
website introduction:Facebook是United States?one 个社交网络Services website ,于2004??日上线�主要创始People为United StatesPeople马克·扎克伯格。Facebook?world ranking领先的照片分享站点,截至2013?1月每天上Biography?.5亿张照片。截?012?月,Facebook拥有?亿用户�?/p>
website introduction:Youtube:Video官方 website ?global 著名的Video website ,可供网民上载观看及分享短片,至今它已成为同类型 website 的翘楚,并�就多位网上名People和激发网上创作,已经成为?world 上访问量 maximum 的Video播客?website ?/p>
website introduction:Google目前被公认为 global maximum 的Search Engines,也?internet ?大最受欢迎的 website ?one ,在 global 范围内拥有无数的用户。Google允许以多种语�进行搜索,在操作界面中提供多?0余种语言选择? Google创建?998?月,创始People为Larry Page和Sergey Brin,他们开发的Search Engines屡获殊荣,是 one 个用来在 internet 上搜索信息的�单快捷的Tools。Google取自Math术语googol,意思是 one ?后面?00??/p>
website introduction:Poland在线零售平台
website introduction:onet.pl是Poland?maximum 门户 website ,提供各种News资讯以及Shopping、Blogs、交友�搜索等Services?/p>
website introduction:PolandWp.pL门户网是Poland知名的门?website ?one ,提供Search Engines、邮件�拍卖�财经��信、News、Games、Music、Sports?internet Services?/p>
website introduction:该 website 提供有关当前要约购买,出售,商品和Services的交换信息�?/p>
website introduction:维基百科是 one 个基于维基Technology?global 性多语言Encyclopedias协作计划,同时也?one 部用成的网络Encyclopedias,其目标及宗旨是为全People类提供自由的Encyclopedias��用他们所选择的语�来书写�成的,?one 个动态的、可自由访问(绝大多数Countries,但使用Security连接则也行)和编辑的 global Knowledge体�并且在许多Countries相当普及?/p>
website introduction:Portal INTERIA.PL - Więcej niż się spodziewasz
website introduction:微软必应(英文名:Bing)是微软Companies?009??8日推出,用以取代Live Search的全新Search EnginesServices?/p>
website was launched in 2001 and today it is part of one of the largest group of Polish Internet services. Its strength consists in unique community of users, news and topical services (among others News, Economy, Women, Technology) visited by 11.85 million* users per month. The portal also owns 23 local services in the biggest Polish cities, which are among the most popular sources of regional information on the Polish Internet*. offers extensive contents available through online television, prepared by among others, own team of reporters. Contents, offered on on daily basis are available on numerous communication channels, among others on mobile phones, in form of websites suitable for mobile phones (, in smartphones ( application for iPhone) or television (the application available in Samsung TVs.)
website introduction:Wiadomości, darmowe konta e-mail, program TV, chat, randki i komunikator
website introduction?/p>
website introduction:Absurdy polskiego internetu
website introduction:MSN,全称Microsoft Service Network,是微软Companies(Microsoft)Flags下的门户 website ?/p>
website introduction:Filmweb is the biggest website about movies in Poland and one of the biggest movie base in the world. Every day, Filmweb provides complete information about movies and television. Filmweb is a social movie network - film base is created by the community.
website introduction:W ofercie samochody osobowe, dostawcze, ciężarowe i motocykle.
website introduction:Google 推出?one 款免费Blogs发布Tools,可用于分享文字�照片和Video?/p>
website introduction?/p>
website introduction?/p>
website introduction:Instagram:手机Picture抓拍分享应用?one 款Running在手机平台上的应用程序,?one 种快速�美妙和有趣的方式将你的随时抓拍下的Picture分享彼此?/p>
website introduction:Umożliwia znalezienie określonego produktu oraz sprawdzenie jego cen w różnych sklepach jednocześnie.
website introduction:Pierwszy w Polsce wirtualny bank (część BRE Banku). Rachunki dostępne przez telefon, Internet, WAP - oferta, regulamin, bezpieczeństwo, wersja demonstracyjna, aktualności.
website introduction?/p>