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website introduction:Apple:苹果官方 website 总部位于United States加利福尼亚的库比提诺,核心Employment务是电子科技产品,目前 global 電腦市場佔有率為7.96%。
website introduction:Coverage of Asia-Pacific with special reports from foreign correspondents and regional news sources.
website introduction:Since 1995, has grown to become one of the leading Internet Recruitment websites in the Asia-Pacific, revolutionising the way recruitment is done today. offers a comprehensive suite of interactive recruitment services. International and local Asian corporations recruit from's ever-increasing pool of top talent and manage their recruitment process through uniquely developed software applications via the Internet. ...
website introduction:DropBox:免费云同步储存平台是目前 world 上最受欢迎的文件存储和共享Tools, 2009年5月100万用户,2010年2月400万用户,而到了2011年4月已有了2500万用户,2011年10月,用户超4500万,用户的暴增预示了它不可阻挡的增长趋势。
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website introduction:百度, global maximum 的中文Search Engines、 maximum 的中文 website 。2000年1月创立于北京中关村。
website introduction:The Central Provident Fund is a social security savings plan for citizens old age. CPF board webpage featuring online services and calculations; includes information for employers and organizational information.
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website introduction:MOM website containing information pertaining to labour, wages and employment in Singapore.
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website introduction:Microsoft – 官方 website ,微软,是 one 家总部位于United States的跨国科技Companies,是 world PC(Personal Computer,个PeopleComputer)机Software开发的先导,由比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦创办于1975年,Companies总部设立在华盛顿州的雷德蒙德市(Redmond,邻近西雅图)。以研发、制造、授权和提供广泛的电脑SoftwareServicesEmployment务为主。
website introduction:eBay(EBAY,中文电子湾、亿贝、易贝)是 one 个Management可让 global 民众上网买卖物品的Games Online拍卖及Shopping website 。ebay于1995年9月4日由Pierre Omidyar以Auctionweb的名称创立于加利福尼亚州圣荷西。People们可以在ebay上通过网络出售商品。
website introduction:ABS-CBN broadcast TV集团是Philippines第 one 个也是 maximum 的综合性媒体和EntertainmentCompanies,成立于1946年6月13日,主要提供TV和电台 broadcast ,以及TV节目制作Employment务。
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website is part of Lazada Group which operates Southeast Asia’s number one online shopping and selling destination. Pioneering eCommerce in the region, Lazada provides customers with an effortless shopping experience with mobile and web access, multiple payment methods including cash-on-delivery, extensive customer care and free returns, and retailers with simple and direct access to ~550 million consumers in six countries through one retail channel. Lazada features an extensive product offering in categories ranging from consumer electronics to household goods and fashion.
website introduction:Pinterest是 one 个自称“个People版猎酷Tools”的视觉社交Directory website ,看起来像是 one 面虚拟的灵感墙,收藏丰富多元的Design、Visual ArtsPicture。
website introduction:微软在线。
website introduction:A research-intensive university with an entrepreneurial dimension, NUS is ranked consistently as one of the world s top universities. We offer the most extensive selection of academic programmes in Singapore, collaborating with leading universities worldwide to provide our students with diverse opportunities for overseas exposure.
website introduction:Outbrain:基于内容发现和推荐引擎是 one 家HelpCNN和今日United States等出版商想读者提供广告的创EmploymentCompanies,Outbrain的Employment务模式是向出版商提供Software,这些Software能向读者发出有关跟进报道的推荐,从而Help出版商把读者留在自己的 website 上。