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website introduction:PayPal(在China大陆的品牌为贝宝),是United StateseBayCompanies的全资子Companies。1998年12月由 Peter Thiel 及 Max Levchin 建立。 是 one 个总部在United States加利福尼亚州圣荷西市的InternetServices商,允许在使用电子邮件来标识身份的用户之间转移资金,避免了Biography统的邮寄支票或者汇款的方Law。PayPal也和 one 些E-Commerce website 合作,成为它们的货款支付方式之 one ;但是用这种支付方式转账时,PayPal收取 one 定数额的手续费。
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website introduction:Adobe 创建于1982年,是 world 领先Digital媒体和在线营销方案的供应商。Companies总部位于United States加利福尼亚州圣何塞,在 world 各地员工People数约 7000名
website introduction:Dagstidningens webbupplaga med nyheter, bostäder, jobb och familjenotiser.
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website is an innovative supplier of web hosting services. (B-one) was established in 2002 in Denmark and is today one of the leading companies in Europe within the provision of domain names and sales of web hosting services. Since the foundation of (B-one) in 2002 by Jacob Jensen, has experienced constant growth and has today more than 900.000 customers in 149 countries. Today, has more than 150 employees, a healthy, strong financial position and is fully geared to meeting the potentials and challenges of the future.
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