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website introduction:Founded in 2004, is one of the largest football websites in the Netherlands. Our team of 15 editors provide unparalleled coverage of the world’s most popular sport, with over 1,3 million absolute unique fans a month engaging with our content. Voetbalprimeur uses writers based at the location on which they report in order to bring local content to our Dutch audience. Our vision is to unite using football as a medium, and each edition brings together a regional audience to form a firm user base. For advertisers and sponsors we focus on site customization, with our key USP editorial support and integration. Our aim is to understand your communication strategy and build this into the fabric of Our position is further strengthened through a market-leading mobile platform ?including Facebook and Twitter pages ?to reach and engage with loyal and mostly male visitors. Our fans are checking the website several times a day in their search for the latest news. They are mainly aged 15 to 40 years, sports, the latest trends and share a common passion: football. In 2011, Voetbalprimeur will launch their new website.
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website introduction:Badoo: global 互动社交网是 one ?global 性的社交 website ,Help用户在其邻近区域会见新朋友�Badoo?006年在伦敦诞生,它不仅涵盖了强大的社交 website 功能,还致力于为用户提供各类Games和Tools来Help他们获取更多的注意力并扩展社交圈?/p>
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website introduction:Information for international students about the schools and programmes, the city, and the country. Located in the north of the Netherlands.