website introduction:StumbleUpon 可以根据用户兴趣,通过Algorithm判断用户的个People偏好,从而推荐那些受欢迎而用户可能感兴趣的 website 、Picture或者Video给用户
website introduction:By toma21 this manga is kind of 50:50 it's because the drawing quality is quite standard, ...The art is average for the first one and good for the rest they must have practised,the story well if you go...
website introduction:
website introduction:A coub is a looped video up to 10 seconds long
website introduction:No-registration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries.
website introduction:
website introduction:User built music database. Store and organise personal music collection listings for free. Includes cross-referenced discographies of artists and labels, marketplace, and forums for music and general discussion.
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website introduction:JuicyAds is a relatively new advertising service that launched in 2006. While our service may be new, we have been selling adult-related advertising since 2002, that's a whole lot longer than many of our competitors. ... What sets JuicyAds apart from the rest is our personal service . We provide help to publishers and advertisers everyday, answering questions, helping people setup ads, giving advice for pricing and placement of ads. ...
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website introduction:Каталог отелей, ресторанов и развлечений мира. Отзывы путешественников, поиск по системам бронирования.
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website introduction:Pasažieru starptautisko pārvadājumu uzņēmums. Informācija par Eiropas maršrutiem, cenu kalkulators, biļešu pasūtīšana. [latviski, angliski, krieviski, lietuviski, igauniski, poliski]
website introduction:Сайт о российском кино и театре
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website introduction:Medicīnas enciklopēdijas mērķis ir sniegt plašam lasītāju lokam informāciju par medicīnas, higiēnas un veselības aizsardzības jautājumiem. Enciklopēdijā ir apkopoti vairāk par 2500 rakstu ar vairāk nekā 900 ilustrācijām un tabulām. Enciklopēdija sniedz ziņas par cilvēku anatomiju, fizioloģiju, higiēnu, pareizu uzturu, veselīgu dzīvesveidu, apģērbu, par slimībām ārstēšanas pamatprincipiem un metodēm
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website introduction:
website introduction:
website introduction:WordPress是 one 种使用PHP语言开发的Blogs平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL数据库的Services器上架设属于自己的 website 。也可以把 WordPress当作 one 个内容ManagementSystems(CMS)来使用。